October 22, 2024

Popular News

Best Popular News Blog

write for us

write for us

Welcome to contribute to our site Best Popular News. Along with providing you with the best of everything we also love to give other writers a chance. You may insert only 1 link to your site in the phrase match keyword paragraph. All other links must be to authoritative sites.

No byline links are allowed and no affiliate links.

Guidelines for Article posting:
1. Original and Unique: We do not republish the content that is already submitted, plagiarized, or spun.

2. 800+ Words: Your content should have at least 800 to 1500 words.

3 Proper Grammar: Please check for grammar mistakes twice like spellings, punctuation, and others. Grammarly is a free online tool for spell check, punctuation.

4. Multimedia: Post should contain 1 feature image and one or more within the content, don’t use copyright images.

5.  The website you are linking from content, should not have a spam score of more than 10%.

6. Once approved, you can’t submit the same content to other sites. If found, your post will be deleted.

7. We reserve the right to publish an article, modified content, link attributes where seem suitable.

Guest Post Submission Instructions
Vape/ CBD/ Beer/ Casino/ Adult- Not Allowed / No Content out of Categories

1) Articles: Must be 800 to 1500 words.
2) Link: DoFollow
3) Publish time: Instant
4) Follow Checklist otherwise your article will be deleted or we will keep the content with no links.

If you want to know more about writing for us then contact us or you can also send us email for further information. Email: [email protected]