October 22, 2024

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Simplest types of communication


As I’m preparing for my fall course, communication for Professionals I’ve been considering more and more the different kinds of communication. In the past I’ve described four different types of communication but I’m convinced that there are five kinds of communication. Non-verbal written, listening and visual.

Verbal Communications

Verbal communication takes place when we talk with other people. It could be in person or over the phone through Skype or Zoom or Zoom, for example. There are some informal conversations like talking to friends during a cup of coffee. Or at the kitchen of the office or in the kitchen, while some are formal like an appointment. Whatever the situation of conversation, it’s not only about the words used,. But it will also be about the quality and the complexity of the words. The way we weave the words to form an overall message, and the intonation (pitch and tones, cadence, etc.) employed when speaking. When speaking face-to-face when speaking,. Even though the words are crucial and important, they are in no way separate of non-verbal messages.

Non-Verbal Communication

The way we behave when we talk often reveals more than what we say. Non-verbal communication is comprised of facial expressions and posture as well as hand gestures, eye contact and touching. For instance, if you’re in a dialogue with your boss concerning your idea for cost savings. It is crucial to be aware of their words as well as the nonverbal signals they use. Your boss may agree with your ideas verbally, however the non-verbal signals they use such as not looking at them and sighing, or having a scrunched up face, etc. suggest something else.

In detail Verbal Communication: verbal-communication.com/

The age of technology

It doesn’t matter if it’s an email, memo, reports or a Facebook post tweet,. Contract or any other type of communication. All forms of written communications have the same aim of disseminating information in a concise and easy-to-read manner. Even though the goal is rarely accomplished. Poor writing skills can lead to embarrassment and confusion, or even legal issues. One thing you must remember when writing a letter. Particularly in the age of technology is that the message is passed onfor years, maybe even forever. Therefore there are two points to keep in mind first, you must write properly poorly written sentences and errors. That are not taken care of can make you appear unprofessional and secondly, ensure. That the message is something you would like to be associated with for the long-term.

Essential kinds of communication

Listening is a process that isn’t often a way to appear on the list of possible forms of communication. Listening actively could be one of the most essential kinds of communication since when we can’t listen to the person next to us; we will not be able to effectively interact with them. Imagine a negotiation, for instance – one of the goals is to evaluate what the opposing party wants and requires. Without listening, it’s impossible to know what the opposition wants making it difficult to come up with a win-win scenario.

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Personal standpoint in visual communication

We live in a society that is visual. Take a look around, televisions are on all hours of the day. Face book is visual with videos, memes, images as well as other images. Instagram is an only an image-based platform where advertisers make use of images to promote ideas and products. Consider it the issue from a personal standpoint. The images we share in social media sites are designed to convey meaning and send the message. In some instances the message could be “Look at me that’s me in Italy or I just received an award. Others are carefully planned to entice us with their stories such as injured animals and crying children.

Consider the way you communicate

We are constantly in contact throughout the day as well as every single day. We are on autopilot when it comes to communication. But, I would like to encourage you to consider the way you communicate. What are the ways you communicate? What are the nonverbal signals you use when you’re bored? Excited? Nervous? Are you a good listener? Are you able to compose a concise and clear message? Do you have any obstacles to the way you convey your message effectively? Learning how you are able to communicate can be the very first thing in being more effective in your communication.