October 22, 2024

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What Does Acupuncture Help With?

time-sensitive answer: most conditions. Short of an emergency scenario, if it’s a health concern you bring up with your doctor, it’s a concern you can also bring up with your Vancouver acupuncturist (R.Ac), Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP), or Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr.TCM).

You’ve probably ended up here from 1 of 2 ways; Either you’re a Reformotiv Physio + Pilates tried-and-true fan and as such you’re here to check out this week’s newest blog contribution – if that’s the case we thank you for your continued support and interest in what we have to offer, and we hope you enjoy what’s to follow.

Buy Fenbendazole 150 Mg is an enemy of worm medication. It is used for the treatment of worm disease. Alternatively, you’re new to who and what Reformative Physio + Pilates is, and you may have landed here from having typed into your search bar, “What does acupuncture help with?”

So first, a quick welcome. We’re happy to have you here and hope we can shed some light on your infamous Google search.

Secondly, in response to said Google search, as earlier stated, Acupuncture can treat almost any physical or mental condition outside of emergency care.

To provide you a longer response with more specifics, the following is a common list you may see amongst Acupuncture blogs internet-wide with regards to conditions effectively treated through Acupuncture. This is because it was published by the World Health Organization themselves!

Cardiovascular Disorders

Essential hypertension
Neurological Disorders
Cervicobrachial syndrome (neck & shoulder pain)
Disc problems
Facial palsy (early stage, within 3 to 6 months)
Headache and migraine
Intercostal neuralgia (chest wall pain)
Meniere’s Disease
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
Nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting)
Paresis following stroke
Peripheral neuropathies
Trigeminal neuralgia (facial pain)

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Arthritis – rheumatic & osteon
“Frozen shoulder”, “tennis elbow”
Localized traumatic injuries, sprains, strains, tendonitis, contractures
Low back pain
Muscle pain, swelling, stiffness, and weakness
Work and sports-related injuries

Respiratory System Disorders

Disorders of the Eye, Ear, Nose & Mouth

  1. Acute bronchitis
  2. Acute rhinitis
  3. Acute sinusitis
  4. Acute tonsillitis
  5. Bronchial asthma
  6. Common cold
  7. Acute and chronic pharyngitis
  8. Acute conjunctivitis
  9. Cataract (without complications)
  10. Central retinitis
  11. Gingivitis
  12. Myopia (in children)
  13. Toothaches, post-extraction pain

Gastrointestinal Disorders

  1. Acute and chronic colitis
  2. Acute and chronic gastritis
  3. Acute bacillary dysentery
  4. Acute duodenal ulcer (without complication)
  5. Chronic duodenal ulcer (pain relief)
  6. Constipation
  7. Gastric hyperacidity
  8. Gastroptosis
  9. Diarrhea
  10. Hiccough
  11. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  12. Nausea and vomiting
  13. Paralytic ileus
  14. Spasms of esophagus and cardia

Gynecological Disorders

Benign amenorrhea (loss of menstrual period)
Benign irregular menstruation
Menstrual cramps
Infertility (Not recognized by the WHO. Clinical experience proves effective.)
Menopause syndrome

Psychological Disorders

Somatization disorder


Adverse reactions to chemotherapy or radiation
Appetite suppression

During an acupuncture treatment, your acupuncturist inserts very skinny needles into particular spots in your body. Insertion of the needles commonly reasons little pain.

Each individual who performs acupuncture has a completely unique fashion, regularly mixing aspects of Eastern and Western approaches to medication. To determine the kind of acupuncture remedy to help you the maximum, your practitioner may ask you about your symptoms, behaviors and life-style. He or she may also closely examine:

The elements of your body which can be painful
The form, coating and colour of your tongue
The colour of your face
The power, rhythm and first-class of the pulse to your wrist

An acupuncture session might also take in to 60 mins, despite the fact that a few appointments can be a lot shorter. A common treatment plan for a unmarried criticism would typically contain one or remedies every week. The wide variety of treatments will rely on the condition being handled and its severity. In general, it’s not unusual to get hold of 6 to eight remedies.

How Does Acupuncture Help?

In Acupuncture & TCM terms –

by improving the balance and flow of qi (“chee”) and blood (through a network of pathways in the body called meridians) and promoting restorative mechanisms of the body.

In Western terms –

Multiple ways, depending on the concern, but namely via your nervous system. Acupuncture down-regulates our fight & flight response, also known as our stress response and Sympathetic nervous system. It then up-regulates our rest and digest mode, also known as our Parasympathetic nervous system – responsible for self-healing mechanisms that are elicited during sleep.

Promoting blood circulation, stimulating the release of neurotransmitters and endorphins and accessing the body’s hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system are additional study proven effects on the ways in which Acupuncture works.

The practise also helps because it’s more than just the insertion of fine needles into specific points in the body. It’s one component of many that work together to form the well-rounded medical system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

While “What is TCM?” is a topic worthy of it’s own blog (stay tuned!) the question we began with today was “What can Acupuncture treat? But honestly, the question we should be asking is what can’t it treat?

Still unsure if Acupuncture is right for you? Or have questions left surrounding the practise? We hope you won’t hesitate to contact us. Our Doctor and Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine are always happy to help further your understanding in any way they can.

They also offer free in-person or over-the-phone 15-minute meet-and-greets where you can see if they could be of help for your situation.

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