February 9, 2025

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Tips to Design Your Garden

Tips to Design Your Garden

Indoor decorative and deciduous plants on the windowsill in an apartment with a steam humidifier, against the background outside the window of the city and multi-storey buildings

A properly well-designed garden is a joy to behold. It’s a thing of beauty that impresses all who visit and will provide hours upon hours of enjoyment for everyone in the family. A beautiful bouquet from your garden, fresh vegetables from the kitchen or even a nice glass of wine by moonlight – it’s easy to see why every home should have a little piece of paradise tucked away somewhere on their property. But, what makes a garden truly beautiful? Here are some tips to help you out when designing yours:

1. Plan before you plant

Designing a functional landscape takes time and careful planning before any work commences in the yard itself. Without this important prelude, many people find themselves trying fit in different elements after they’ve already gone to the trouble of initiating construction. As a general rule, if you are still thinking about your design or are unsure what area works best – do not plant anything at all.

2. Choose wisely when it comes to plants.

When considering which plants to choose for your garden, pay attention carefully to where they will be located and how they will be viewed by visitors arriving at your home. A large conifer in front provides privacy but can block an otherwise good view from the road while something bright and colourful might work better on the decking so passersby can enjoy the display with ease. Also think about their eventual size as many shrubs can quickly grow out of hand after several seasons have passed!

3. Ensure proper drainage

When planting, be mindful of the drainage conditions in your yard. Puddles and soggy soil not only make a mess but they will suffocate new plants especially when you consider that many perennials need well-drained earth to thrive. This also means wet feet for any guests strolling about your garden paths – which leads us to our next point…

4. Create pathways

Be sure to include safe footpaths through your landscape with even surfaces and gentle grades where possible. This makes it much more inviting for children or elderly visitors to explore – something every home should encourage if at all possible! Also, these same paths can be used as access routes for gardening supplies (and also may require less overall work overtime).

5. Allow for expansion

Most home owners don’t realize that their yard will never stay the same size as it was when they first moved in. In time, everything from ground cover to trees will eventually expand and can quickly eat up storage space if not properly managed. So remember to leave space for future growth and also consider adding a fence or an equally suitable barrier should you ever need to keep something out of reach of your landscaping elements.

6. Keep main paths wide

While many garden paths are narrow. Especially those bordered by flowerbeds on either side, be sure to maintain a width. Of at least two metres so everyone who enters can easily pass each other without interruption. During heavy use periods such as weddings or other events where the entire space is open to the public.

7. Quality over quantity

Finally, you don’t need to fill your yard with every plant imaginable. And believe us, it’s easy enough for nature to do that on its own without interference). A simple arrangement of three or four quality specimens creates something truly worth celebrating. Not only for their beauty but also their rarity! It’s the “wow” factor that makes visitors stop. And stare in awe at something you’ve created from scratch too. So keep this in mind when designing your garden landscape.

8. Seek professional help

While you can gain a lot of knowledge by following our tips above, nothing beats getting a proper consultation from a qualified designer who will analyse every aspect of your garden during an in-depth consultation and then decide upon the best way to proceed. If you’re having difficulty deciding on a layout or simply don’t have the time to dedicate to design, this could be the perfect option for you so don’t hesitate when it comes to arranging an appointment!

9. Don’t forget decor

Last but not least, remember that your yard exists because you want people to enjoy it. Not because of any practical purpose such as storing recreational vehicles (RVs) under a carport. Or hosting barbecues over crushed rock. So include elements like sitting areas and fountains. Along with plenty of colour like Pampas grass and you will soon find yourself in possession of something both useful. And beautiful which will provide years worth of memories to last a lifetime!

10. Allow for expansion

Most home owners don’t realize that their yard will never stay the same size as it was. When they first moved in. In time, everything from ground cover to trees will eventually expand. And can quickly eat up storage space if not properly managed. So remember to leave space for future growth and also consider adding a fence. Or an equally suitable barrier should you ever need to keep something out of reach of your landscaping elements.

11. Keep main paths wide

While many garden paths are narrow. Especially those bordered by flowerbeds on either side, be sure to maintain a width of at least two metres. So everyone who enters can easily pass each other without interruption during heavy use periods. Such as weddings or other events where the entire space is open to the public.

12. Quality over quantity

Finally, you don’t need to fill your yard with every plant imaginable (and believe us, it’s easy enough for nature to do that on its own without interference). A simple arrangement of three or four quality specimens creates something truly worth celebrating – not only for their beauty but also their rarity! It’s the “wow” factor that makes visitors stop and stare in awe at something you’ve created from scratch too so keep this in mind when designing your garden landscape.

13. Seek professional help

While you can gain a lot of knowledge by following our tips above, nothing beats getting a proper consultation from a qualified designer who will analyse every aspect of your garden during an in-depth consultation and then decide upon the best way to proceed. If you’re having difficulty deciding on a layout or simply don’t have the time to dedicate to design, this could be the perfect option for you so don’t hesitate when it comes to arranging an appointment!

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