October 22, 2024

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CBD Packaging Box Design Guide For Cannabis Brands

CBD Packaging Box Design Guide For Cannabis Brands

Also known as cannabidiol, CBD is extensively used in consumer products such as oils, edibles, and beverages. CBD-based products have significant use in health and recreational industries, making them one of the best-selling items. Because of their widespread wellness uses and benefits, the number of CBD products is increasing with each passing day. Top-notch companies are locking horns to claim shares in the cannabis industry. However, the success of cannabis businesses depends not only on product quality but on packaging as well. To make your brand prosperous and profitable, all you need is a premium quality CBD packaging box. A custom-made packaging box is an ideal fit for cannabis products such as CBD oil, vape liquid, hemp extract, etc. 

In this blog post, we will explain the steps involved in designing nice CBD packaging. 

First Step: Choose the right material

When it comes to product packaging, there are a variety of material options you can avail of. However, material choice is of paramount importance. When making a material choice, you need to keep several factors under consideration. Firstly, the material should be strong and sturdy. A durable material can withstand external pressure and transit damages.

Moreover, it can save the inside product from shocks during shipping and transportation. Secondly, the packaging material should be eco-friendly. Sustainable packaging leaves no carbon footprints, and it is cost-effective as well.

The materials that are mostly used in custom CBD packaging are corrugated, eco-friendly kraft paper, Card stock, etc. These materials are available in different thicknesses and strengths, enabling you to choose distinct packaging for different products. 

Step 2: Design of CBD box

Well-designed CBD boxes can make your product presentable on and off the shelf. Market surveys show that attractive packaging has the power to catch buyers’ attention. This holds for supermarkets as well as online stores. Cannabis items have delicate nature; that’s why they should be presented in elegant and distinct boxes.

It is noteworthy to mention that the first thing customers notice is product packaging. Based on packaging quality and design, shoppers make an impression on your brand. This impression can be good or bad, depending on the quality of your packaging. By adding enticing graphic elements and unique color combinations, you can boost package design. Add-ons can also play a role in making CBD packaging Box more engaging and exciting.

Step 3: Printing 

By using modern printing techniques, you can significantly enhance the value of cannabis products. Printing is an integral part of packaging design, enabling boxes to attract potential customers. Nowadays, offset, flexo, and digital printing techniques are popular among custom packaging makers. The choice of printing largely depends on the following factors: volume of your packaging, budget, and color accuracy requirements.

Printing allows you to add branding, product information, and promotional content to the boxes. Custom-printed CBD boxes can earn your brand customer’s trust and recognition in the market. 

Step 4: Add-ons

As far as custom packaging is concerned, you can add as many customizations as you want. However, you need to keep the packaging budget in mind as well. Having said that, companies that blindly spend money on packaging don’t get desired outcomes.

When it comes to add-ons, you have plenty of effective options. The main goal of add-ons is to enhance the outer look of CBD boxes. When we talk about add-ons, things that come to mind are embossing, debossing, hot foil stamping, and aqueous coating.

With the help of these techniques, you can make CBD packaging box more compelling and distinct. Embossing and debossing can make the text prominent and readable. Aqueous coating, on the other hand, adds an extra layer of protection to product boxes, enhancing their life and performance. 


In this age and time, you cannot succeed in business unless you adopt innovative and effective packaging solutions. Gone are the days when brands used to rely on convention and uneffective means of packaging. Modern packaging technologies can help you transform your brand. We have outlined crucial steps involve in creating adequate CBD packaging box.

People are more inclined to brands that offer quality packaging. Custom CBD packaging offers countless benefits. Sustainability, sales growth, more revenue, customer loyalty, and long-term success, to name a few.